some may not read it, some may.
spread the word la okay help a bit hahah.
so.. read on if you want to,
shut up if you want to say something mean :>
its a long post!!
sec 4/4, rojak class.
why rojak?
besides the compulsory subjects,
there are people who take EGs of:
- business, poa
- business, d&t
- add maths, business
- add maths, poa
- poa, ied
not forgetting those who take one of the latter and a pure science subject.
no doubt an authentic rojak class right ^^V
i thank God sincerely for giving me the chance to meet all these people from all walks of life,
each of different races and religions, characters and looks.
although we may differ on our opinions throughout our years as a class,
in the end, we still work together well enough LOL.
all the class projects, recycling ones, CIP, class banners etc.
playing with the paint was so fun hahahah.
donning the class up with new year decors,
messing up the class,
drawing mr krishnan,
making fun of him.
i believe 10years down the road, when we look back,
we would miss the good old times, definitely :>
also, i believe the whole sec4 cohort knows each other right!!!
so yep. thank you guys for being in my life, even if you don't like me :> LOL
then the OSS netballers :>
these people are darlings.
i wasn't a very good sport i'd say.
because of my change in cca during my lower sec years,
i had a hard time catching up with all of the seniors.
those girls were great though.
constantly inspiring me, teaching me everything i wanted and needed to know about the sport.
defending techniques, sometimes attacking ones too.
when i felt down and torn apart during the tough trainings,
these girls were there to help.
thanks for being there :>
i feel guilty towards miss toh.
not going for trainings for various reasons:
my left arm being dislocated, blisters, feeling left out..
stupid reasons huh.
im sorry miss toh.
and i wish you the best in your career as a coach.
thank you for training me, training us :>
you're the best coach to us.

think its fate we all met huh hahahah.
if we hadn't gone to OSS we wouldn't have known each other.
i believe we've all been mean to one another behind each others' backs.
but i miss us. jamtab. all the girls in the picture.
us without all the backstabbings,
us without all the lies,
us without all the quarrels,
us without everything negative but just the plain old..
its hard to forget because some people have definitely gone way over the top.
however i believe its possible to forget everything and start afresh.
provided everyone agrees to be nice la lol :>
anyhoo, im still thankful i met you girliez!!! :>
then on to the guys.
my sl bestie hahah. dk why we became bestfriends but i'm glad we did.
you've definitely helped me a lot in my times of need.
but you don't come to me when you need help so its like me taking advantage of you HAHA
so please come to me if you need me hor!
anyway.. thanks a lot. love you bestfriend.
hope we keep in contact okay! ^^V
lam kuku my friend for more than 6years!
gesps. then oss.
HAHAHA but you're a good friend.
so thanks also ah hehez.
errol.. my good friend :>
still remember i had a crush on you in sec1!!!!
and i told you during sec..3?
and we were laughing about it LOL
thanks for being there too, whenever i needed someone to rant to.
tongyi my sister!!!
still remeber the lower sec days, going to chinyi/lucas' house to play almost every weekend.
i always called you when i wanted to go there and you called too.
now you're leading your own life la!
FORGET ME ALREADY. but we shall catch up one day even if you don't want to :>
lucas!!!!! for being sarcastic but nice in every way.
LOL and being a good host because
there's always something to eat @ his place :>
and YK buddy which wasnt in the picture.
tks for being my buddy!!! hahaha
tht time bluff me la hor one buddy only..
then i found out myself youve got another buddy!
but.... tks for singing with me! :>
and i edited this post JUST 4 U OK!
as for the other guys.. not that close but thanks for being my friends!!
finally... a secret to some people to reward them for enduring til here.
so few days after my birthday i suddenly wasnt single anymore.
and its weirdly surprising right :p
this person's super sweet and super childish.
but i guess the pros outweigh the cons so we got tgt HAHAAH
1mth plus has passed.
but it alr feels like a year?
maybe it was because we started out as friends.
so there was this time he suddenly talked to me on msn.
then we started texting after a while.
then he called.
then we talked.
we went out to study tgt
and then idk why i just.. ^^
fyi i don't fall for guys easily.
wonder what you fed me HAHAHAHAH
i miss the 'courtship days' (as what tiffy calls it) !!!!!!!!!!
sometimes i think why i actually deserve you leh.
tks for being so sweet although im no where close.
love you kiki ho km ^^V
so in conclusion,
thank you all for being with me throughout my entire secondary school life people :>
flying off to BKK tmr w S bitch!
definitely gonna miss you people :>
oh T's cmg bk on the same day as i am so maybe we'll meet on the plane!!!
hope its a fruitful trip so i come back with lotsa goodies!!! ^^V