yes, itz outram netball : )
and tht was taken during cake day : )
whr everyone was smashing cakes at each other becoming dirty and smelly?!
and it was also miss wong's last day of trng w us, and her bday too if im not wrng lol
tricked her into cmg dwn?
yep, so she came dwn and everyone had fun.
rlly miss tht day altho i was abit left out.
in class we wrote cards, and i rmb writing smth like:
'hey ms wong
youre gng so pls take care
and i wna say sry to you
coz i rmb thr was once, you asked me to play defending C
and i didnt want to,
i still talked bck to you
altho you asked wht i could play, i didnt answer.
im so sry.'
thn i ended the letter.
i still rmb in my heart, i wanted to play tht badly
but i was afraid i would do bad,
and everyone would laugh.
i cried aftr tht but i guess no one saw, which was a gd thing lol.
but yah i strongly regretted aftr tht, but didnt have the courage to say sry.
i was glad the letter was given.
and whether ms wong rlly read tht, it was another thing : )
coz like, yes i can say im not a main player.
but i dont purposely pon trngs like last time
i jst dno whts wrng w me fr not being able to wake up la!!!
many netballers may laugh, despise me.
whoever cares?
i go trngs to make myself fitter what.
its a form of excercise fo me : )
and those who pon trngs, but have a position.
dont be stupid okay.
i call this stupid luh uhhhhhhhhhhhh
you have a position, and you are gd enough
thts why ms toh put you into tht position
and here you are ponning trng
whtevr giving sm kinda excuses?
some even quitting?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLL.
thr was this period i hated netball alot
everyone hated me fr not gng
but no one knew hw i felt
tht feeling was disgusting hokay!
i was useless, during matches all i could do was to stand outside look at thm play
nthg could i do to let thm win.
i rlly felt like breaking dwn during those times yeh.
no one was thr to help me.
NO ONE!!!!!!
and no one could understand.
yes i understand, thy tried,
pple like sarahchu tried, but no.
however you try wont wouldnt knw
cos you werent experiencing these things.
ms toh ms wong giving out jerseys and positions rlly tourtured me luh..
i was like some idiot thr, so extra, thn everything also dno
like one toot.
thinking how difficult was it for me to go trngs then.
but yep, i stood up and went, aftr the hol trngs.
everythings kinda okay now, altho im inferior to those netballers out thr
but nvm, i will push myself!
even tho i cant play in games, i still wna go thr and be fit : p
im sry fr not forcing myself to wake up okayyyzzzzzzzz
and thks fr those mrng calls altho to no avail : )
i still rmb the day we were doing the notice board.
everyone had h2o to drink luh!
and i was thinking, aiyah no one wld rmb me.
coz im not v impt anyway, but thy did, and im surprised!
to many you may think its just a drink,
but i rlly thought it was sweet hur : D !
thanks girls/ xo.
cries* (LOL)
ok sry fr being an emo nemo but yeaaaaaaaah,
lol no one wld read this anyway! hahaha
hur, hokayz gna go bath and get ready fr wrk yo : )
2nd post btw, maybe posting whn i get bck, heh
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