this pic totally describes my mood now.
i rlly h8 myself ttmx.
stupid failure.
stupid home.
stupid word.
i h8 myself i h8 my home.
i h8 to say this but i h8 my brother.
everything he does is correct but everything i do is wrong.
why is that so???????????????
idk anymore lah
yes everyone may be thinking
'wah your mom so gd give you so much freedom yada'
yes of course i pay the price by taking the blame coz of smth ive nvr done.
this com im using cldnt be switched on jst nw. (dad fixed it idk hw)
as frm wht i knw if the com doesnt switch on properly it means it hasnt been shut down properly.
who was the last one to use it?
obviously i was so goddamn pissed i stormed into the room demanding an explanation.
' what? isit our problem? you use it and its spoilt now you blame us?'
thn the one whos at fault gets away scot free.
on the brighter side,
few days b4 i got my blades.

tho its my mom tht bought me those wheely things(h8 to admit)
and tht she paid for everything,
the fact is tht im grateful but she rlly HAS TO STOP PICKING ON ME.
nvm admire its grey and lime geen chioness altho its not clear at all.
ooh i watched hannie montannie(chus quote)
2day w selene!
tho we're neighbours we seldom meet up coz we hv our own lives to lead.
lol finally met up and watched our 4th movie tgt!
pictures w her.
bad face and hair day. zzzzz
but yep it was fun!
drastic change of topic. you may not wna read it lol
to mom. dad. whoever related lah.
i knw youre not gna read this but its the truth.
i knw im rebellious but you knw at this age everyones bound to be like tht.
altho your rebellious age was like 30plus yrs ago,
i think youll rmb it k dont live in denial :>
i do love you all and i guess you all think i dont.
but i do jst tht you dont know it.
coz i dont show it and go HEY FAMILY I LOVE YOU ALL!
i think its stupid and corny altho ppl do tht.
oh ya. ppl hv family days.
we hv it.. sure we do.
once in 10 blue moons maybe :>
even if we do youll jst sit thr and stone.
leaving me and the brother cycling or whtevr.
so ya family means me + bro = 2 ppl = VRY HAPPY AND BIG FAMILY!
whtevr la maybe you see me cycling vry cool.
everytime i see ppl and their families damn close ill be like
'WOW THTS FUN! but i nv get to enjoy it..'
i knw im like immature coz i bicker with the brother and such,
does this mean tht because of tht i hv to be picked on and shown biasness?
ask yourself.
outta the so-many-times we quarrelled,
how many times was it coz of the brother?????????
how many times was it coz of your own bad mood and you needed a punching bag and poof, i was the punching bag?
it isnt always my fault.. it isnt.
you knw tht.
whtevr ill stop here.
maybe by chance youll actually read it someday.
no i dont think you wld anyway.
those who actually read this
lol if you wna say smth like
'aiyah this girl wna act emo/poor thing only thn blog abt such things' etc
plz keep your foul mouth shut k tks :>
bye and sry to everyone.
coz my rants are. irritating.
andand i want gd grades for o's pleeeeeze!
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