Tuesday, May 4, 2010

fds lesson facebook quizzes!

for my own use haha
need to log it dwn :>
What's Your Mental Age?

Result: 6 Months Old

You love to get pampered, take lots of naps, and eat mashed bananas. Okay, we're only speculating on the mashed bananas.

And really, there's nothing wrong with that stuff. You love to be comfortable and close to the people you love. That stuff's all great! Just be sure to change your diaper every once in a while!
What's Your Secret Talent?

Result: Excellent Shower Singer

You could be the next American Idol -- if all the episodes were taped in a locker room.

Why? You're a fantastic, Grammy Award-caliber singer, but for some reason it only works when you're taking a shower. Step out from behind the vinyl curtain and your singing skills fall somewhere between so-so and pretty great. If you can figure out a way to bring your act out of the shower, we'll all be very impressed. In the meantime, keep on singing into the shampoo bottle -- it sounds wonderful!
The eSPIN Personality Test

Result: Saint

You can't be a better person than a saint. You're selfless, sweet, and we wouldn't be surprised if you could perform a miracle or two.

Of all the personality types on this test, yours is by far the most respectable. We mean, how couldn't everyone love you?

Just remember, though - as nice as it is to help other people, sometimes you gotta help yourself a little, too. Don't be afraid to a little selfish every now and then. Seriously! We give you permission.
What Animal Are You?

Result: Cat

A cat's M.O. is simple: they just don't care. Seriously, an intruder could be attacking you, and a cat won't get up till it's finished licking its paws, and even then, it's not really in a hurry to help you out.

Being a cat, you're cool and refined, and you've got plenty of that cat attitude. Okay, fine, we'll say it --cattitude. Just be careful not to fall into any huge open vats of water. Cats don't like that sort of thing.
What's Your Top Emotion?

Result: Happy


Wide-eyed and smiling, you can find the bright side of any situation and the good qualities in anyone (even if they're pelting you with cat poo). Your energy ranges from giddy excitement to mellow calm, but you hardly ever lose your cool, positive energy. Plus, you're pretty good at managing all the bad stuff in a healthy way. Go you! Now go use your superpowers to help out the less fortunate.
What Color Is Your Personality?

Result: Blue

Just like the color blue, you're calming and likeable, but you're also steadfast and strong. You don't tend to overpower situations (you'd rather just get along with everyone), but that doesn't mean that you go unnoticed.

Blue is a beautiful color, but don't be afraid to fire up your personality every once in a while. After all, blue's also the color of sadness...and you don't want to be a bummer, do you?
What Does Your Name Say About You?

Result: You're Sensitive and Caring

Your name says that you're sweet, attentive and happy to lend a hand whenever a friend needs you. You're a good listener and can find the positive side to any situation.

Think about becoming a social worker, a doctor or a teacher.
What's Wrong With You?

Result: Too Attractive

Your extreme level of hotness is distracting and offensive to everyone.

Seriously. You're so hot that it makes your friends vomit out of jealousy and strangers drool out of animal lust. Invest in some burlap sacks before everyone you know turns into drooling, vomity messes. Or maybe just invest in some mops.

And don't forget to thank your mom and dad for making you so gorgeous. They did good.
so cool!! woohoo

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