I've changed. I'm not the old me anymore. Learnt a lot the past few weeks, from my parents, and W.
After this post there would definitely be people or even friends saying that its too early to say all this and yadayada. SAVE IT. The future's a mystery. No one knows. So don't judge.
I used to laugh at couples saying all the 'We will last forever' etc. You know what? I think its stupid. Because I didn't feel that way for someone I actually laughed at someone else. No one really knows what they really feel deep inside because YOU'RE NOT THEM. Of course those flirts who say that can't be taken seriously and its just too bad people laugh at them. Other than that its only when you feel this way do you actually say it.
I want to be a better person instead of someone shallow. I don't know how to say this, and I guess many wouldn't understand. But since I've known W, I can say I've grown. You may think, ' Oh its because you're always with him and all so you think he's correct and smart and all..........blahblahblah.' Wrong.
He's smart. AND SO CUTE HEHE PLUS POINT. (All the ah lians get attracted to him because aiyah he got beng face fuck all the chao bye bye ah lians!!!) But... Its because of him I'm now closer to my parents than before I knew him. Its because of him I understand so many other things, I learnt so much new stuff. Yes we do quarrel(Which couple doesn't?!), and we both cry like qijdroajkcaklfncvnaslf while quarrelling, give each other lanjiao bin, guailan101, but we talk it out after that.
There was once my parents talked to us both because they knew we quarrelled. They told us: 'If you want to be together, you both must learn how to solve it together.' Just something along the lines. So we did. And we still will.
Which guy would surprise their girlfriend any other day wearing a handmade postman hat outside their door? Which guy would rush all the way home to grab his stuff without even bathing and rush back because of a quarrel which is not completely his fault? Which guy would stay till late just because their girlfriend is sad? Which guy would do extra work just because his girlfriend is weaker in her schoolwork?
Its because of W my parents trust me even more now. And they trust him too. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I really am proud to say he's all I ever wanted. All I ever wished for. I know I need to treasure him. I truly appreciate every single thing he's done for me, even mundane stuff like serving me a cup of green tea when he's at my place without me asking. Tell me how many guys do that for their girlfriends?????? Not many.
I can confidently say that he will never leave me alone. At least for now.
But what matters is now. And you're all that matters bb :)

Now do I understand what it feels like to have someone loving you as much as you love them.
Thank you W.
I really hope you're The One because I want to make ugly faces with you till we grow old and wrinkly :)