Haven't been blogging partly because I have been too caught up with life. No la, school's starting so I've been going out a lot just because I don't think I can afford to when school finally starts (in a week omg the horror #dread) BUT THEN AGAIN I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SCHOOL AND THE STUFF COMING UP WHEN SCHOOL STARTS!
First up - 31st March. Bar Bar Black Sheep @ Riverside/Zouk with the pbts and Meh's poly friends :-) Sf and Lisa were there too!! Along with most of LL and Shaun + Nat and other friends/Jon Jj Thane Huiling. Felt like the whole world was there that day haha. Thanks to Sf and David for the guestlist coz their friend was spinning :-)
Only one picture because Meh brought her party cam instead. Jiayi's our new pbt btw, say Hi ;-) HAHAHAHA Meh was so pissed it was so funny. And I realise Ginger Ale doesn't really taste like ginger leh. My assumptions were wrong. Qishan and I both agreed that it tastes like diluted coke. HAHAHA.

I look like shit but I have no choice. Had SD FOC the next day and I survived w/o sleep!!!!!
SD FOC with Chris/Est/Eileen on April Fools' Day to 2nd April @ night hehe :-)
Met Est, Eileen, Syai, Charmaine and Alvin @ 645am just because Bryan told us to reach @ 7. We weren't late hehe :-)
Chris had internship so she came in the evening on the first night!!!!!

I love Cuicui she's so cute hehehehehehe

'Stole' part of one of the groups' identity thingy and poor boy came running after me HAHAHA I'm so sorry but you guyz are so cute I just had to do that :-) Played Virus and sabo-ed people to do forfeit. Told the campers that all their GLs were real couples AND THEY BELIEVED US. FEEL SO BAD BUT HAHAHA SO FUNNY. It was April 1st and we just HAD to take advantage of that. ;-)

Clementi for Koi and we decided to stay there for some girl time :-) No more camp pix but we had fun @ Shim night + the dancefloor was awesome! Left around 9 and zonked out when I was home. I love the girls. They make me laugh so hard sometimes HEHE.
Town on 3rd April (which is the next day hahaha) with Est! Thanks for going to RP wimme hehe luv you! Dropped my lappy @ RP to get it configured and headed down :-) and Syai decided to come!
JoeyC and Lisa were @ FEP so Est and I decided to drop by to see Lisa's new lip tattoo! #kaypoh #cannotmaintain hahahaha. Amarul was there with his friend too! Left after awhile and Syai finally came. Went to Bugis after. Pix!

Met Dennis for dinner @Iluma because the dude randomly decided to come down after intern! ASTONS YAY!!!!!!! :-D

Decided to leave my lappy @ RP and collect it the next day just because I'm lazy like that :-) Netballers called and clubbing we went! Zirca/Rebel! Met some cute girls who were Sw's USS friends :-) Found Ml's NP engineering friends too and they're damn cute also hahaha we had pix but I think Ml missed uploading them :-( Anyhoo...................PICTURES!

If I die early........you know why. 80% of my friends smoke. HAHA

Macs for a drink (and some photos obviously. Like who doesn't snap pix @4am when everyone looks like shit HAHA) then home we went.

Sheena! And Ml the photobomber hahahaha :-)
4th April! Went to RP myself to collect the poor abandoned lappy. Was @ JE when Dennis decided to make me wait for him AGAIN HAHAHA. Met him first and waited for Chris and Ed @ JCube. Not bad nice place. Just really empty and lame because everything's still closed. Love the ice-skating rink though!!!! Waved to the Singapore team skaters HAHAHAHA damn funny. Chilled and had Macs for dinz :-) Good day!

Love Chris' eyes. So pretty!!!!!!!! :-)

Then Ml called and....................here we go again. Hit the clubz! We were supposed to head to Zouk. Last minute decision to head to Zirca so we did! So happy because I saw the girls!!!! Eileen/Angela/XiaoShi and Jes :-) Turns out Shawn was there too. LOL clubber. OH YA DID I SAY THAT CLUBBER DOMDOMTAY WENT!!!!!! HAHAHAHA HE DID OMG.
Pictures :-)
Oh ya it was Cornelius' birthday!!! Happy Birdday :-) Although he'll never see this hahahaha. At least I wished!

Macs yet again for fattening awesome yummerz food. :-)

Saw Ml's other friends from SP so she decided that the SP clan should have a picture together. So cute one hehehe :-) Although I'm not in SP anymore but...........CANNOT TAKE PIX IZIT? Hehe #angsty #jokingonly #cannotah?!
Yesterday! 6th April :-) GOOD FRIDAY! Long weekend is awesome. Although for me there's not much of a difference la hor. Hehe. Met Est, Syai and Eileen @ Orchard for dinner! Nana Thai :-) Food was good!! Didn't know that a restaurant that specializes in Thai food is capable of serving good Hong Kong horfun. Omg speaking of which I want to have it nowwwwwwww :-(

One picture because I didn't take many! :-)
Anywayz, Chris was @ Ed's so she didn't come down yet. Had to leave before she reached :-( Boo. Need to see her soon before she leaves for Dalian for 5 effin' weeks!!!
Met Meh @ her house and that girl was rushing me all the way but when I got there she wasn't ready yet. Ken was on his way to fetch us to Group Therapy @ Tanjong Pagar but he got stuck in a jam. And yup, when Ken was already waiting Meh was STILL PUTTING HER SHOES ON AND GRABBING RANDOM STUFF SHE FORGOT. HAHA so much for rushing lor really. #lastwarning leh Meh.
So the late girl briefed us about what's going to happen in the next 2 months and its gonna be really interesting!!!!!! :-) So peepz in the 5 polytechnics..........brace yourselves for Fashion Feud!!!! Please dress nicely because I'mma be scouting :-) So excited already!!!
Had waffles for dinner then Ken sent us all to RV. Meh went to Zouk for Afrojack HAHAHA reminds me of Shaun Lee B's condescending look because Meh didn't know about Afro. Too funny!!! So yesterday she paid 40bux for something she barely knew. Bet it was good though HAHA she be drunk tweeting!
Met the Lepz girls back @ town and slacked for awhile. Saw Cuicui, Noeleen, Jingrong, Bryan, Weihong, Jenette, Dylan and I can't remember who else so I hugged them all! Hehehe :-) The rest went home after so Max, Jean and I went to watch The Vow. Such a good script I cried. Hate the ending though! Should have been more elaborated. The girls cabbed home after.
Sf called and turns out she was @ Travion's with David, Ken and Travion (like duh?!) so thanks to her I had a lift home :-) The guyz were so funny I don't even HAHAHAHA Sf and Ken were trying to talk about serious stuff but Trav and David were in their own laidback world LOL.
So. This is a very long and detailed post. I don't like the way I blog but I want to jot down every single detail so I can look back. Walao I remeber reading my super old posts and cringing at every word. Whatever la hor, serves as a memory :-)
Alone @ home now coz everyone's with Jer at the hospital. Hope he can come home soon. Love you Jer. Even though you'll never see this ever and that I don't behave like I love you but I do. X
To end this #sibehlongleh post........................EVERYONE SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT:

Please keep a lookout for Poshism because its gonna be the next in thing before you know it ;-)
http://poshism.com BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.
Too hungry, off to get me some food before I start to become angry because I get angry when I'm deprived of food. Nom.
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