Haven't been blogging much because I'm just plain lazy. Many things have been going on in my life lately but they're all good things!!!! Hehehehehe finally right ikr. I've been an angel O:) Been saying Meow too much these days too. Oh em gee I'm turning into a cat.
So......................what I've been up to:

Ok lah just wanted to add a picture of me I took since idk when because I edited it so nicely (to me) I felt like it should be up. Realise it looks like my fb dp a lot, just wearing different things. Seriously don't know how people can come up with so many poses. Pose here and there only this few leh.
And I kinda hate it when I try to guailan people by sticking out my tongue and I unintentionally show the tongue piercing when my only intention was to piss people off with my tongue stuck out. UGH.
Ok sidetracked a lot so here goes.
Forgot the dates but the order is something liddis ah................

Sleepover at Meh's because she said 'Walao why always sleepover at you 2's never ever sleep at mine one lor' HAHA and they 2 always sleep together because I'm the fussy one with the pillows and blanket LOL

Adriel's birthday dinner last week. Look like an awkward turtle in the picture but thankfully the dinner was totally un-awkard (my own word haha wtf) at all!!! Great time catching up with the broz. 19. What a big number. Adulthood. Scary.

Ketchup session with the broz over ice water/ice lemon tea/fries and shisha. Fucking love them hahahahaha their jokes really must maintain one.

Surprised LCY a few days ago. Haven't been seeing her since idk when so I just decided to go when I saw her tweet saying she'll be home. :-) Makes me happy when I surprise people. Am so happy for her because that beautiful babe of mine finally found happiness she rightfully deserves. Yay! Also managed to see meimei and her mom. Love all of them so much. Hugs.
Life has been relatively okay for me now. Don't want to jinx it but hey, if I believe in it I'll subconsciously make it happen so no. I don't care life's really better to me now. Family, much better. Friends.......at least it isn't as bad as end 2011. As for school. -Crosses fingers- I hope I successfully get accepted. Will blog about everything in detail when I do succeed. Which I hopefully will. :-D Wish me luck because I need it please?
Realise Chris and Est haven't uploaded the pictures of us hahahahahahaha damn funny one shall ask them to upload it soon so I can post 'em here teehee. I love these 2. Wonder why I didn't meet them earlier. Glad to have them in my life and I'm contented meeting them late anyway. Because I did in the end. Hehehehe hugs.
Can't wait to start school again because its a 2nd chance and I'll definitely so better than the first because I'll finally be doing something I have interest in. YESSAAAAAA. Also bought my cny clothing and I'm happy with my purchases! YAY!
LIFE IS BACK ON TRACK. 2012 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeya soon bunnies! X
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