before th thing started, this was wht retarded nerdz did.
and then, this camwhore session!
sorry uh, nu ren ben se. (women's natural genes)

and this was aftr th rehersal : )
subway, fav study pluz eating place.
yay dk why i love this expression, but i like leh HOW?!
fridayz, freestyler'z dance competition : )
yep everything went okay, angiie you tried your best.
you had 1day and it obviously wasnt enough eh.
jamtab luvz chieu!
p.e was badminton time, harhaz.
went to meh's t play badminton w her and her sis.
satz, study with crowz, loo and wenyi : )
didnt rlly study alot, but at least i managed to finish 2 chapz of chem.
how, exam's in 10dayz manzxz.
camwhored and obviously crapped along, truckloadz.
peekchaz with loo and chu, blog thm whn i gedditz.
went over to loo's by dadz car : )
loo came over first.
showed kelby t dad, ha : D
heart to heart talkz,
/and yes i still dk wht t dooooooooooooooo.
sundayz, SSA event : )
angiie weiright lucas loo meh sarah bendy and aku went : )
thought it was quite alright,
and door giftz were cute! lolz n3hhzxszz.
had fun 'huan ying huan ying, re lie huan ying' -ing pplz!
photoz w angiie and chuz, blog thm upz whn thy blog it.
aku has some too, but you knw i don't upload peekchaz, haaaaz.
c, i rlly hate that word.
kills softly, slowly.
aku has a random thought/
aku scared of EOYz.
aku scared of o's.
aku scared fail cannot go gd poly.
aku afraid.
aku hopez everything will be fine.
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