cowboy's (fail) picnic @marina barrage!
turned out to be quite a fun 9t tho :> hahahaha
thought the dam was gna cause some rlly big effect but we didnt even know whether anythg hpnd.
home was sleepy time almost immediately! HAHA
then was t.g.i.fridays @town with my babygalz, xav and franz!
x's treat so tks sista! LOL ya you know why sista instead of bro LOL

we decided to go for kbox aftr that coz everyone decided to go home.
so it was jst x and i.
clubbing songs to wake us up!

then after kbox was ard 12 closing 1 so we decided to....
play with catch-toy machines!
dk what you call that la kiap kiap machines? LOL
then x couldnt get enough of the thrill so he kept playing.
until he got me an elmo, himself a domo and a stitch.

homed after prince of persia!
damn nice la hahahahahah coz the guy hot girl hotter! :>
K came aftr his work. stupid boy hmph LOL
today was kbox with the babiez of 56!
them tkg pic w my signature cover face pose LOL
but i was late coz i slept late and joined them late :p
dinner was toriQ and sitting at the corridors outside taka.
fun day still. cine fo a lil slack and homey homey.
imma happy girl today, tmr, tmr's tmr and everyday after! HAHHAH
hyper only la naowz
ok i go shit alr hehe
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