hope thr are still readers here coz the tagboard's been pretty much dead :>
HAHAHA okay.........................
so everything was taken during our last day of sch b4 the hols!
fds presentation day :>

ya la laugh la hor. HAHAHA LIKE WAITRESS.

mich and dinah! :>

mich the siao again HAHA

loo eng! :>

shaun! :>

ok like retard only. dinah and her boat HAHA

weikang the NEH! :>

jiggly my lao ma! :>

yong maisiao :>

cowboy! :>

dahao! :>

huimin! :>

bingrong! :>

tao! :>

john! :>

*wink wink* we all know why HAHAHAHAH

HAHAHA trademark cover mouth pose hehe ^^V
jiggly pose :>
the cowboy pose! HAHAHA
that pretty much sums up my fds formal wear day.
was fun! love 1A56 HEHEZ (ok maybe minus 1 :>)
marina barrage with my babygalz! :>
when meh was in the toilet......................
when tiffy was in the toilet.
ok and that was one good day!!!!!!! :>
we had a picnic in the shade and then went out to fly meh's cheena kite.
but her kite like cool only!! heheheh <3
days like these w the bbz make me fly high high HAHAHAHAHAH
well today was well spent with my bbz agn
coz we went to laguna courtesy of tiffytoke :>
pictures up when i get em! HEHE
K's big day in.... 3days :>
lets see if he's nice enough to make me get what i planned done.
i currently love my life coz...... it's too precious to be wasted so i gotta
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