dadu and momu <3
though you 2 may be naggy and *&%@$*&!)#& SOMETIMES,
your za bor kia here wants you 2 to knw tht i rlly sincerely love you 2 like how cats love to eat mice.
not because you supply me w money to spend,
not because you give me air to breathe
but because you both gave me a life :> (literally and physically)
you both gave me freedom since i was young
as long as i told you whr i went and what time id be back,
youd let me go.
youd be worried but still, you both trusted me to know how to differentiate right from wrong.
stayovers, late nights out, chalets.....
and jst a phone call of mine wld make you both go out of the way jst to fetch me home.
you'd also try your best to give me what i want.
like my room, thrs nth more i want in here coz ive got a tv, dvd player, studytable, lappy, a/c, fan.
this may be nth to some of you ppl, but its definitely enough fo me.
its all a girl can want in her room can?!
daddy and mummy, tk you fo all youve done fo me.
you may not be the richest, most gentle, nor the most softspoken parents,
but your understanding and care nurtured me into what i am now.
i may not be the best daughter. i may be rude. i may not be the best student out thr. i may not reach your expectations.
but one day, when you read this, i want you to know that im truly grateful fo all you both hv done fo me. for us. fo our family.
hvg said that, frm today onwards, i'll strive to be who i want to be.
not a nobody.
i wna be somebody :>
somebody that will make an impact in the lives of everyone ard me.
someone tht will be remembered, loved, cherished and treasured :>
so dadu and momu, plz be happy tgt forever!
cock eyed first-zilian-pic-on-dslr daughter joey lim.
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