I had lots of fun yesterday @ Zirca despite the tiny hole in my heart. I guess I'm healing relatively well now. I feel okay. Not yet fine, but just fine enough to feel okay and not cry. I don't deny I still think about stuff sometimes, but I guess its just part of the healing process :-) I realise I kind of like clubbing now? Somehow. With the right company of course, and if entrance is free. HEHE
Yesterday........was fun? Met new friends and had a fun time with Sarah, Yongyi, Jon and JJ!!! Hehehe. Was dancing as if I was carefree. At that point of time I was fine :-) Sarah was damnnnnnnnn funny when tipsy YY and I just laughed LOL. We all taught YY how to dance hahaha wth. And I was lip-syncing to the songs they played and that explains that pic of me with my mouth opened wide. It was a nice night. We all had fun! :-)
Yesterday........was fun? Met new friends and had a fun time with Sarah, Yongyi, Jon and JJ!!! Hehehe. Was dancing as if I was carefree. At that point of time I was fine :-) Sarah was damnnnnnnnn funny when tipsy YY and I just laughed LOL. We all taught YY how to dance hahaha wth. And I was lip-syncing to the songs they played and that explains that pic of me with my mouth opened wide. It was a nice night. We all had fun! :-)
Then again it was not so fun because I've learnt that there ARE desperate guys out there. Of course there are also nice guys that just want to be friends. Love nice and friendly people :-) Why don't things go the way they should already. The people you want are the people that don't want you, and vice versa. Idk if it works that way for everyone, but for me it really is that way. WHY OH WHY :'(
I'm so bored at work now and I only caught like 2 hours of sleep, on and off. Woke up 5 times in the 2 hours to check on the time in case I overslept. 3hours +/- to the end of work and I'd have to rush home to sleep and then meet the girls for dinner. I am all smiles :-) Then come tomorrow I'm meeting Liting (unless plans change, hopefully not) to return her her lappy, then gym. Finally some fats off. Yay!
I've been ranting on twitter about this pudgy little bitch and I can't seem to simmer down when it comes to her. Because she thinks she knows everything but behind my back shes trying to convince a certain someone to do a certain something. Babe. Low. You can do better my dear. You're somehow in the same position as I am, and you should know how I feel. So shut your trap before I actually confront you and make things ugly. The 'advice' you gave me? Jolly well give it to yourself. I don't need words of pity/plasticity (oh god I think I just formed my own word). Just shut up and stop telling others what to do. YOU REALLY SHOULD. I strongly despise you and I DISLIKE YOU. Do NOT make me hate you because I can really be a bitch if you step on my tail. Remember babe, Karma's a bigger bitch than you are, so you don't want to gamble if you don't have stakes. Hate is a really strong word. Just saying. ;-)
I feel better now. I pray for my life to be fine again, please.
Be back with pix. And maybe another vlog. Love ya bunnies! X
I'm so bored at work now and I only caught like 2 hours of sleep, on and off. Woke up 5 times in the 2 hours to check on the time in case I overslept. 3hours +/- to the end of work and I'd have to rush home to sleep and then meet the girls for dinner. I am all smiles :-) Then come tomorrow I'm meeting Liting (unless plans change, hopefully not) to return her her lappy, then gym. Finally some fats off. Yay!
I've been ranting on twitter about this pudgy little bitch and I can't seem to simmer down when it comes to her. Because she thinks she knows everything but behind my back shes trying to convince a certain someone to do a certain something. Babe. Low. You can do better my dear. You're somehow in the same position as I am, and you should know how I feel. So shut your trap before I actually confront you and make things ugly. The 'advice' you gave me? Jolly well give it to yourself. I don't need words of pity/plasticity (oh god I think I just formed my own word). Just shut up and stop telling others what to do. YOU REALLY SHOULD. I strongly despise you and I DISLIKE YOU. Do NOT make me hate you because I can really be a bitch if you step on my tail. Remember babe, Karma's a bigger bitch than you are, so you don't want to gamble if you don't have stakes. Hate is a really strong word. Just saying. ;-)
I feel better now. I pray for my life to be fine again, please.
Be back with pix. And maybe another vlog. Love ya bunnies! X
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