I know I'm a day late but hey.........Christmas lasts for 12 days right? ☃
So, on the actual day of Christmas, which was yesterday, I spent it sleeping. I know right hahahahahaha but anyway!!!!!
On Christmas eve I spent it at town together with all those people! ☺ We had fun though, albeit feeling like sardines and occasionally getting frosted by the fake snow everyone was spamming. Christmas feel at its peak hahahaha it was fun☺ Walked in the rain in the end lor.
It was soooooo impromptu coz I wasn't even supposed to be heading to town but home instead. And I was lugging all my buys from shopping earlier on with Christina, Estina, Bingrong and Shawn. Oh well didn't regret going of course! Would have been better if everyone I loved was there as well but I can't be greedy. This is enough.☺
Headed to Newton for supper after that. Stingray = SHIOK MAX. Cabbed home. Shiok coz we all stay at the same area so cabfare is cheaper hehe. #cheapo. ☺
Today is the start of FOTW and we've gotta be in school by 5pm today. Idk why but today really doesn't seem like a Monday? My parents are both home too. So weird. OH YA ITS A PUBLIC HOL COZ XMAS WAS ON SUNDAY. HAHA brain spoil.
Haven't packed my bag but I'm so lazy............................... Shall go eat my lunch after this. ☺
Recently I've been happy. I don't know why. I think I'm happier now. And its a good thing! Hehe glad I spent my Christmas at home though, although my family and I didn't have any special gift sesh or some extraordinary dinner but i felt happy. Because we wished each other Merry Christmas ☺☃
They say Christmas is to be spent with the ones you love, I guess for me this is enough. To have my friends and family by my side. It's all that matters. ♥
My Christmas wish will be the same one I make whenever I see 11:11. And I hope it comes true. Off to have lunch, pack and scoot off to school! Once again......

A shoutout to everyone I love:
You people know who you are. Thank you for being here with me till now. I wish we can stay like this forever. If there ever comes a day you want to leave, I promise you I won't force you to stay, but I will do my best from now to show that I'm worth it.
To me, Christmas is all about joy, love, faith, hope and peace. ♥
To Z and W: You 2 are still important to me, no matter how bad things were then. Merry Christmas to the both of you too. ☺
I wish everyone around me health, wealth and happiness, today, and forever after. X
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