So...................Liting's lappy has an awesome camera. Seriously hahahaha the resolution damn good and the keyboard so nice to type so fun!!!!!! I'm supposed to do my resume actually. However I guess no one works at night so in an attempt to fix my body clock..........I shall do it in the morning all the way to the noon if I actually do take THAT long haha.
Then I should call the insurance company regarding my lappy repair. Idk what to ask them. "Hi may I know how to repaire my laptop?" Wtf so awkward nvm ok I will do it. Later. Honestly I'm so bad at those 'official' talk if anyone is actually reading and getting anything I'm saying. Its like I'm type-mumbling. Fail.
On a random note I like my newest piercing ;) Makes my tongue look sexy hahahahaha just like how my friends look sexy with a navel piercing. Anyway I showed it to my dad last week hahahahahaha omg I am such a rebel. For the first time in my life I did something my parents disallowed. Wtf I am such a fucked up daughter :( But omg its only once omg. Thought of it since 3 years ago leh.......if not now then when? Old ah ma go in pierce tongue like some mental right????? So my dad asked me to take it out but I said I didn't want to. HAHA then he asked me to show it to him. I shy so I said no. HAHAHAHA cb la me. Such a cb. Lol oh well.
Ok wtf am I saying I think I am a bit crazy because no one will really understand. And honestly I think I am. Idk why I did all those crazy things and even thought of killing myself. Absurd. Rest assured I am normal now. They call it stupidity but I call it true love. Ahhhhhhhhh first time ever falling for someone so deeply I acted in a way no one would. Dingdong is me. Oh well enough of boys. I've fallen in love again and this time...............he's not just any other boy. Because he's Stephan Salvatore. *SPAMHUGZ* *HYPERVENTILATES*
Feeling upbeat these days. Getting a little bit better. Don't dare to classify it as happiness because I don't want to feel happy anymore, I just want to feel fine again. I want to smile genuinely, I need time to heal myself. I don't want to not be myself. I feel myself coming back piece by piece. :) Can't wait to receive my acceptance letter. First time saying this but... I WANT TO STUDY. :) And I am rewatching WGM hahaha god knows why but I just feel like it! Then imma watch TVD and HIMYM then GLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Feel like going for a jog later but the red alert just doesn't allow me to because.........ok too much info. :) Have been rambling about everythign and nothing for the last few minutes. Time to go back to my shows hehehehe come back soon bunnies! X
P/s: I am a bunny.
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