All in all we had fun and that was the most important :-) Will be looking forward to future camps because the juniors really did a gr8 job planning the 3rd day games despite the short time frame!
Loved singing the camp songs hahaha did peace by the river with pearly shells clap and vice versa so fun he he he ♥☺
The year s coming to an end in a few more hours. And that calls for a what-have-I-learnt-this year post. Its gonna be wordy, so yups.
Family. Despite the ups and downs, I'm glad we're all on talking terms now albeit being a little awkward. I can see that things are getting better, so I hope 2012 will be a good year for us. I'll put in more effort in tryng to bond with my family members. Its true they say family will never leave you no matter how bad things are. And to me, this is enough. I don't need the most expensive clothes, bags, or shoes. All I need are supportive family members. We haven't got there yet, but I'm sure slowly, we'll all open up to each other more. We will get there. I'm really thankful I have my mom, dad, brother, aunty, and dog together with me. Really.
Pbts. Thank you for being my sisters from different mothers. Honestly my life wouldn't have been half as fun without you 2. We know each other so well, our quirks and our deepest secrets, yet we don't judge and we never fall apart despite little squabbels that are inevitable. I guess this is what we call friendship. No. We're more than friends. We can even guess and know what our reactions would be in certain circumstances. No matter how long we don't meet we still have good fun each time we do. Our whatsapp conversations always crack me up to no end. I know that late 2012 will be very different because Tiffy will then be going overseas and this means that we can't meet up as much as we can now. I reallyhope that although distance-wise, we'd be miles and miles apart, but our sisterhood will never be. Tiffy please do visit whenever you can ok!!! Oh god I'm gna cry ok nononono. I love you girls and I will never want you girls to leave me. I won't leave you 2 too. I will always be there. Thank you for sticking with me despite my horrible temper. Hehe. I love my sisters. I love you 2. I know you love me too. HAHAHAHAHA. Pbts forever!!!!! Remember our japan sushi dinner? Steady one ah!!!!
Netballers. Honestly, I know this year has been a tough one for all of us. I don't even know if any of you girls would read this, but I hope that you all know that no matter what we quarrel about, no matter who I quarrel with, no matter how bad things are, you guys are still very important to me. Every single one of you. I know it has been hard, and especially with such a big clique there are bound to be many disagreements and whatnots. I hope that we'll be able to overcome it in the coming year, and that many years down the road, we'll still be friends. I hope that we'll be able to tell each other straight, instead of telling only the others because that will lead to misunderstandings. Ok? If any of you need me, trust me, I'll be there. Call me and I'll be there. I may be closer to some, not as close to some, but I love you girls all the same. I may seem like I don't because I just don't show/say it, but I do ok. Hehe. Liting, thanks for always being understanding and mature and always teaching me things I don't neccessarily understand. Sarah, thanks for being my butter. You know what else you've done and so, thank you many many! Glenda, thank you for always being happy ad you influence me so I become happy too. Wenyi, thank you for being my laogong and we always act silly together. Meiling, thank you for texting me and opening up to me. Really appreciate that. Seowwei, thank you for always being so patient and understanding because you know that I'm always joking when I say you're short HAHAHA. And Zeena, thank you for all the fun stayovers and my birthday cookies. I never once forgot all you've done for me. I believe time will heal us both and we'll be fine again in the future hopefully.
Chinyi. I realised that because we both have busy lives now we're not as close as we used to be anymore and that really makes me sad. Anyway, I just want to say that I miss you and I want to meet you very very very soon again. I miss the times we used to sing like crazy bitches until we woke everyone up or something and got scolded. I also miss the times I used to head over to your place for stayovers and we would talk about many things while lying awake on your huge princess bed. Of course, I will always be there for you whenever you need me. Everything can change, but I will still, always be there.
Nadoo and Xav. Hi guys. Thank you for always being there. Especially Nadoo. The talks we had really made me realise that I'm super thankful to have you in my life still. There may have been misunderstandings, but I'm glad I told you everything and we solved them all. As for Xav, thanks for having us over always, and falling asleep before we even leave. Next time please stay awake ok? HAHAHAHA. And also good luck in your acting career! Don't diva ah hahaha. And as I always say......if you get more famous don't blame me for not meeting you as often ok haha I fear for my life. HAHA. I will always be there for you 2 if you need me.
Eva. We don't know tokyo drift until go where already but I still remember you even if you've forgotten about me. Hehe. Anyways I just want to say that you can always call me. But you're so busy now. Ah. I guess its what life does to people. Anyway I was happy that I finally met you for gymming the other day so I'm glad we could still fill each other in. I'll be there if you need me.
Polo guys. Don't think any of you would even read this at all but.......Thanks for making my life much more fun, and I may not be very close to you guys at all but still, its nice having you guys around because its just fun like that. Charles, thanks for always sending me to my doorstep even though you are damn tipsy and thank you again for not puking at my door. HAHA. Thane, thanks for being such a nice bro, always making fun of me but you can be nice IF you want to. HAHAHA. JJ, thanks for coming down that night to talk to me coz you were scared I'd cry alone hahaha and thanks for trusting me to take care of your wife. She's safe! Jon, nothing much to say but you are damn cute when you're in your own little bubble everytime you get high. Cannot forget how you kept talking to the confused taxi driver complaining about the cab fare HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Sl. Used to be my bestest guy friend, now dk die until where. HAHA anyway thank you for being there when I need you, thank you for being patient with me, waiting for 20mins downstairs and only had time to talk for 10mins but you were still not angry. Thank you for being there for me when I was low. Thank you for offering to accompany me although I wanted to be alone. Through these years we've been friends, although we're not very close now but you still know the way I behave and all. HAHA thank you so much bf! Don't forget me leh cb hahaha.
Christina, Estina, Eileen, Shawn, Bingrong. Hello people. Thanks for being there when I was down. Especially some of you you know who you are. Very very thankful for you guys because if not for you all, maybe I wouldn't even be typing this anymore. I'm thankful that Fate allowed us to grow closer although we have more reason to be further apart since I'm not even in SD anymore. But really, I thank all of you for the support you guys have given me when I was down. And I hope that this friendship will not waver. I treasure all of you so please be happy and I love you all! Chris, thank you for always encouraging me and being so cute all the time. You make me more siao than usual lor!! Estina, thank you for being a happy pie, always smiling and happy although you have your own problems you still stand strong and smile! Eileen, thank you for all the shopping trips we've gone together, we should go out more next time!!! I miss you! BR, remember, be happy. Don't think too much and don't lose yourself ever. Shawn, thanks for the encouraging words. I will be there if you guys need me. Really.
Cuixia, Noeleen, Michelle. You 3 damn cute. I miss all of you and I hope to see more of you 3 in future. You 3 have always been fun and caring to me, and I thank you girls for that. I will always be there if you girls need me.
Bryan, Jingrong. Hello guys. You 2 probably won't be seeing this too. I just want to thank you guys for being there, especially when I felt like ajfhckjbfls. You 2 may have thought that it was a small matter, and that it was nothing, but in actual fact it helped me alot. Thank you broz. Haha.
SD seniors. I love you all, because you guys have been a fun bunch especially during camps. You guys always teach us so much more that we don't know/have yet to learn. All that is so precious, and I thank you for each and every single experience I have with you all. Although I'm not in SD anymore, you guys will always be my seniors. :-)
W. Hey. Its been a good time when we were together. Its sad that we're not anymore, but when we were, I was happy. Idk if you were, but I was. You've taught me so many things I didn't know, made me experience so many things I didn't get to experience before. Many of my first times were all spent with you. First time writing an A3 letter, first time making someone cry while reading a letter I wrote, first time night picnic-ing at Marina barrage, first time spamming koi with someone, first time going to my boyfriend's home with him and meeting his parents, first time always going to family dinners with a boyfriend, first time going to a wedding dinner with bf, aiyah so many first times I don't even know how to continue hahaha. Anyway I hope your new girlfriend makes you happy because you deserve it. Remember, don't eat too much raw salmon and if you do consume it by 1 hour. Don't accidentally eat fish roe and don't drink too much soft drinks because its bad for your asthma. Don't keep forgetting to bring your inhaler out because its dangerous and tell her its called Ventolin in case you forget to get it coz she can get it for you. Don't always go out late to but your maggi mee goreng because its dangerous if you go down alone and your sis is overseas. Remember to take good care of yourself and your health because you need to tke care of your parents and your sis. Remember their birthdays and that your mom loves cheesecake. Wish them happy birthday because although you don't celebrate it, they'll be happy you remember. So many other things to remind you but I guess you should know already. I'm nagging again anyway, thank you for the good times. Thank you.
To the rest of my relatives and friends. I thank you all for staying with me although I'm not perfect. I cherish every single one of you all be it whether we talk, or we've only seen each other and know each other but we just say hi and walk off. I hope you all have a good year ahead!!!
Saying all that, every single person I know will share my wish.
My wish is simple, and always the same: I wish everyone I love health, wealth, and happiness in the coming year.
Tonight I'll be going for the Siloso Countdown party hehehehehehe. Seeya guys if ý'all are gna be there!!!!!! I'll have fun and I'll end 2011 with a blast! X