Tuesday, March 30, 2010

liquid paper white nails!!

am so hungry imma cry soon
hv been eating loads
by loads i mean A LOT
2 - 3 meals everyday including supper
and scary portions of those yummy gdness
and i dont chew like 30times each mouthful so it takes longer for my food to be digested
enzymes work harder i guess lol
hcl in me tummy must br produced 2times faster coz i consume soso much :<

and im not joking
im not gna say im gna go for a diet coz i knw its not gna hpn anytime soon
so im gna tryto cut dwn on the amt of food i eat!!!
its hard but i'll try
say bye to macs, kfc, mosburger, fried goodiez :<

saying all this makes me hungry
shall call mcd hehehehehheheh

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