Thursday, January 12, 2012


"I honestly believe that every single smoker picked it up because of peer pressure or because they thought it was cool or both. You may light your first cigarette cos you’re curious. But curiosity is satiated with the first stick honestly. Why anyone would continue with the 2nd or 3rd is because their friends are doing it.

And nobody picks up smoking to relax!!! Most bullshit reason ever. You may smoke now to relax but nobody STARTS smoking to relax ok how relaxing can your first puff be when you’re likely stressing yourself out on how to inhale the correct way or how to hold the cigarette so you don’t look like a noob or how to stop yourself from coughing."

Credits to

My sentiments exactly. Its like indirectly burning money. Oh well. Matter of preference. To smoke and feel 'high' and ruin your health for the next half of your life, or to keep away and feel healthy and live happy forever.

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