Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Bb, this is for you. :-) You're not pathetic. Not at all. You're awesome. You're all I ever wanted in a friend, and so much more. Sometimes Life just throws you all the shit and expects you to take it all in. What can we do when Life's just an irony?

We can only take all that shit into our stride. That's what the people around you are for. We have each other to count on, to make it all better for one another. Yes, there may be friction once in a while. So?

Everyone screws up. In order to make this work we need to give each other chance after chance, and believe that one day we'll all make it and be better people. Then again..................so what if we remain unchanged and are still as fucked up?

That's okay. Because the people that are worth it are the people who stand by you despite all odds. The people that love you will never leave you. If they can't stand you at your worst, they sure as hell don't deserve you at your best.

Inter-personal relationships are tough shit to handle. Conflicts happen everyday. You hate the people you love in that moment of anger. Every time you piss off. Everytime you want to give up. Think of all the great things she/he has done for you. Are they really worth less than the bad? I don't think so.

To everyone out there who are on the verge of giving up. Don't. Because I know how it feels to be given up on. It sucks. Don't give up on anyone if you don't want to be given up on.

People confuse feelings with temporary emotions, and subconsciously turn the temporary into a permanent. Just because you're angry, you think of all the negative things someone has once done to you before and you get angry because of all that piled up. Feelings are simple. Its us humans that make it complicated. Love him/her? Don't give up just because of a temporary emotion. Is it fair if you just give it all up like that? Its not like you didn't screw up too you know.

Yes, yes. You're going to say that Life isn't fair. Since when? Since humans said it was and made it this way. We pretty damn well can make it as fair as we want to. The fact that we're unwilling to makes it all so unjust.

Life is definitely not all rainbows and unicorns, but also thunderstorms and rhino horns. However, forgiveness would make everything so much better. Is it really so hard to forgive? Chances should be given aplenty, unless you're talking about the law.

Moral of the story: Never give up on anyone. They need you as much as you need them. Unless they're fucked up.

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