Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Maybe its just me

 Replug Welcome Tea was yesterday, Monday 21st May :-) Was a little late coz I went for EMP! Hope we didn't screw up the presentation ahhhhhhhhh rest of the groups did so well le sigh life isn't easy. Anyhoos I had fun at both! So........yup shall see how it goes!
Music and keyboard theory today. Hopefully I didn't screw anything up. Snapped many pictures with Syahz coz we were both slacking hahahahaha wtf.

Went for Replug vocal training today after school and fake UT and lunch with Sof and Di and it sorta reminded me of choir then. Felt miserable because my voice is really nasal and I sound like that even when I talk. I have a really thin voice if anyone actually understands.

I feel really down now just because I'm listening to the NEA song demo by Seth and its making me really depressed including the fact that I got a C for programming just because I did my work at my own pace. Idk wtf is wrong with the faci. Isn't it okay as long as I finish my work on time......? Seriously. I have 3 Cs now and it is bad. REAL BAD. NOT LETTING THIS SHIT CONTINUE I HAVE TO BUCK UP.

I want to do well in school. I need to do well. Its either As or Bs. Please J. Please do well. And Replug.........its so stressful. The other vocalists are so good I'm so stressed out wtf. NASAL VOICE THIN VOICE LOUSY VOICE WTF. EMP..................I'm not even officially in it yet wtf. And my music theory homework is half done and its due in.....10 minutes if I'm not wrong.

Today's entry isn't exactly a really happy one. I.am.depressed. I need a hug. From...............maybe you. Just that it kind of is impossible. Wait. It is. Toodles babies. I hope I feel better soon. X

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